Thursday, April 29, 2010

How it all began...

Hi guys!

I'm starting this blog because I want to help all those women who have been diagnosed with fibroadenoma (benign, noncancerous lump in the breast), and who are being forced by the doctors to undergo a surgery. THIS IS ALL WRONG!!! YOU CAN TREAT FIBROADENOMA NATURALLY WITHOUT A SURGERY!!!! AND THAT'S A FACT!

Ok, where do I begin? How many doctors have you been at? And how many of them said that the only way for you to get rid of it is to cut it out? Everybody, right... Well, in my opinion, they say that only because insurance will pay for the surgery, so you'll be economically not profitable to them if you not gona have it... Moreover, 80% of women who undergo a surgery... get ready... get fibroadenoma back! BUT THE POINT IS THAT EVEN IF THEY WILL CUT IT OUT, IT WILL NOT ELIMINATE THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM, AND IN 75% OF WOMEN IT GROWS BACK!!! Isn't it horrible???

I realized that i have something im y breast when I was 22 (now I'm 25). I've been at 6 doctor's offices, and every single one of them told me that I had no other choice, but to cut it out... They said that there is no way whatsoever that I will be able to get rid of it with any other natural treatment. I was devastated! First of all, i was too young, second of all, cuting a breast is the worst thing because it's ery easy to get an infection, and third of all, I didn't wasnt to have a scar on the most gentle part of my body!

So, i started my research...and i was surprised!

Homeopathic remedies didn't really help me much, and fibroadenoma kept growing, and reached 4.2cm which is big. I found another way that was hard, but I was willing to do anything in the world in order not to have surgery - I completely changed my diet & lifestyle. The most important aspects are:

1. No Meat!

2. No Refined sugar (it would be awesome to exclude sugar at all if you can. I can't, so I eat dry fruits, honey and cashew milk ice cream with agave)

3. DON'T EAT ANYTHING THAT CONTAINS ESTROGENS like soy, milk products (even organic)

4. Drink vegetable juice and wheatgrass juice every day. I know, it's disgusting, and after 3 months you'll feel sick if you just smell it, but it's the best thing you can do for your breast! I drink 1 oz of ORGANIC wheatgrass every day, and my juice is 16oz freshly squized ORGANIC veggies: kale, collard greens, spinach, celery, parsley, ginger & cucumber. I know it's not chocolate, but you have to make this sacrifice.

5. Eat only organic live food - ONLY! If it's cooked, it doesn't matter, your produce, cereals, etc doesn't have to be organic.

6. Eat nuts. They have a lot of fiber, and make you full very fast - a great snack!

7. Try to switch to vegetarian diet as much as possible.

8. DO yoga, try to relax and get positive energy, protect yourself mentally from all the negativity that you have been experiencing. My chinese medicine doctor told me that I have my fibroadenoma because I am very emotional and take thin gs very personal, so a lot of negativity has been going through my body.

Well, After doing all that for 6 months, my fibroadenoma decreased by 7 mm!!!!! The sonogram showed it, and I couldn't believe it, but it was true!!!
I did ACCUPUNCTURE for 3 months, which cost me a fortune, and it didn't help mw a bit, so I am not advising it, but people say that if it's small, then it works.


I would say the number one goal is to try not to get stressed out because stress really affects fibroadenoma. My accupuncture doctor says that they most likely occure because of emotional disbalance. Another thing, try not to be angry and upset about having fibroadenoma. I know it sounds nutty, but don't be angry at her, try to think that you don't have it at all, and occasionally imagine that it's shrinking and disappearing. It's kind of mental training and meditation.

The second thing, which I believe is the stepping stone of it all is to eat right!!!..that's for me personally is easier said than done, but I believe that is really important! There are few most important things:

You have to avoid getting more estrogen into your body because that's something that feeds fibroadenoma! Try to stop eating meat! That's really bg help to stop fibroadenoma from growing! Start slowly, maybe instead of eating it every day, have it 2 times a week,a dn the reduce as you go. Ideally you can't eat meat at all, but if you want to chat once a month, I don't think it'll be a disaster! Also, try to avoid sugar stuff, dairy & eggs. I know it's hard! Very hard! But your health is more important to you, right? Forget about fried foods like chicken wings, french fries and all that stuff! It has tons of concirogens!

I'll explain why you need to stop with all those products (or at least try to eat them as little as possible), because fried foods are killing you with concirogens, and products coming from animals have viruses in doesn't matter if the products are organic or not, viruses are still there. On top of it, they have very high concentrations of estrogen hormone which you need to avoid by all means! So, by eliminating there products out of your diet cleanses your system right away! Your body is not receiving all that stuff and all those viruses it has to fight with, and all the strenght is going to fight problem areas like fibroadenoma.

What will really help you to clean youf system is eating lots of organic leafy greens, like kale, collard greens, spinach, chard & broccoli and fresh fruits (you can have dry fruits for your sugar cravings). The best thing is to have a green juice eery day or a few times a week using those veggies to clean your system. Believe it or not, but this produce makes miracles and saves people from cancer! Just juice it or get it done in a juice bar (you can add ginger, apple, cucumber... for taste), and believe me it'll start working! And if you can at least occasionally have a shot of organic wheatgrass (the best is to have it every day!). It'll help to boost your immune system and flush all the toxins of your body! Idealy you should become vegan, but that's extremely hard...

Don't get scared, there are lots of options to eat! Wholegrains like brown rice, quinwa, barley & kasha are great! Potatoes is rich in nutrients! You can get protein from beans, leafy greens, nuts and seeds.

Best of luck, and please post your opinions and experiences!

Thank you!